(keitai-l) Re: 504 + camera?

From: <anima_at_gmx.de>
Date: 05/28/02
Message-ID: <14587.1022595308@www52.gmx.net>

> MMJ indicated today 504s will have cameras; as far as i know the ones 
> so far don't... but the iShot (SH251) does:

I saw a presentation by Docomo on their 504 series yesterday, and the camera
wasn't mentioned for any of the 504 handsets. Its definitely the 251i that
sports a camera similar to sha-mail.

> http://k-tai.ascii24.com/k-
> tai/news/2002/05/21/imageview/images685032.jpg.html
> what are the other specs for the '251' - is it a series or just sharp?

Its a series IMHO.


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Received on Tue May 28 17:17:02 2002