// Do you know if the new Eznavigation phones (C5001T;
// C3001H; C3002K) have
// special pre-installed vectorial maps drawing functions
// that would be
// accessible by Java applis (thus not having to include
// said functions in the
// 50kb) ?
I haven't heard that they include anything other than the KDDI explus/MID
ie main extension is the omron/jumon 'agent' stuff (
http://www.e-jumon.com/ )
However, KDDI labs are also running the jamaps project:
(favorite engrish quote from this site: "authoring tools are internal organs
to a client!"
This is a map renderer based on SVG. They were showing a java svg renderer
running inside a java VM on some kind of PDA at java one, and if i recall
correctly also a very simple version running on a keitai.
Since you're in this field, what do you think of SVG as an engine for
superlite devices? My understanding is it was originally based on
postscript, so the new liteweight derivatives (SVG basic, SDVG) are hampered
by this origin.
hope i'm not affecting the list noise-to-signal ratio by responding to only
this part of the thread... :)
david [dc] collier
e | dc@gamelet.com
| dcphone@jp-t.ne.jp
v | +81 (0)90-6566-5316
Received on Wed Mar 6 06:39:00 2002