So if this is off-topic forgive me, but does anyone have an opinion on
the different PC plugin keitai card things?
A sales guy at big camera in Shibuya told me that air h" or whatever is
the most popular at the moment with it's fixed monthly charge (5000yen)
for unlimited usage on 32K.
The Docomo cards were not so prominently displayed, but it seemed you
could get 20 hours usage for under 5000 yen a month. So I guess it
depends if you want to use the card regularly, or just occasionally.
But my question is, has anyone had any experience with either of these
systems? Like is one of the providers networks always down - have people
had problems installing these cards.
And what are we calling these wireless pcmia cards anyway. Are the
initials even PCMIA? I get confused about these things :-)
Received on Wed Jan 30 13:45:35 2002