(keitai-l) Re: Hajimemashite!

From: Michael Turner <leap_at_gol.com>
Date: 01/16/02
Message-ID: <000701c19e86$99957640$614fd8cb@phobos>
From: "Carol Meehan" <carol_tokyo@yahoo.com>
> I am a new kid in Tokyo, just out of university and
> trying to get a foothold in iAppli as well as
> Japanese. Which is no mean feat as they appear to be
> inherently (impossibly:?) intertwined. 

It's not as bad as it was at one point.  Or at least,
if you're stuck with reading English, you're not
much worse off than the Japanese developers.

A friend of mine and I recently made our way
through much of the 'getting started' phase of putting
up your basic 'Hello World' iAppli, and while there
were travails and misstarts, I can't remember seeing
much Japanese.  (Admittedly, though, almost anything
on menus is like English to me now.)

Zeb Blut's and Manish Prabhune's pages were
both helpful, as I recall.  But those were only the
starting points I happened to recall the day we
embarked on that little potato-sack race.  I'm sure
others have useful tips as well.

> I have found the DoCoMo's I-mode java content
> developers guide API and functional specs but as yet
> have not found any definitive book on the subject in
> terms of client/server application system design & 
> development - most paths lead back to MIDP. 

Writing iAppli is not exactly a classical subject at this point.

My own humble offering in this area is an increasingly
stale resource (I'm, what, only 200 messages behind now? :-( )


There is a book list in there somewhere, but
it is, admittedly, for books in Japanese.

> I've scanned through the keitai-l & yahoo/iMode_group
> mailing lists archives and know there are a few
> O-sense/Yoda characters out there. So would somebody
> like to offer some suggested reading material? I've 
> read that some mailing list members will be publishing
> books themselves soon which will be immensely helpful
> to people like me. Any reading recommendations in the
> interim would be greatly appreciated. Gambattemas!

You know it's a real wilderness out there when you
can plug 'Java "mobile phone"' into Amazon, and it'll offer
up 'Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone'
and a smattering of other useless titles as "close matches"
before telling you that it basically came up empy-
handed.  I didn't even throw "Japan" in there.  I'm
afraid I'll get Roland Barthes titles.

Hell, even with just "Mobile Phone" you don't get that much,
You will, however, get outfits like IDC, offering $1,250
reports entitled (and I am not making this up)

  "Wherever I lay my @, That's My Phone: GPRS
   and the Australian Mobile Market."

Yes, $1,250 this week ONLY!  Add it to your
Amazon shopping cart NOW, while they last!

(Hey Gerhard, how about I write jazzy titles for you
and you auction your reports on eBay?  20% of your
gross would do fine thanks.)

But I digress.

> Thanks in advance, 
> Carol:)

Good hunting, and summarize to the list if you
turn up any goodies!

-michael turner
Received on Wed Jan 16 14:35:02 2002