Welcome to the list, Carol.
Zev Blut's site is the best english resource to get started quickly that
i've seen. He also wrote a very good article for Java Dev Journal, which
you may be able to find online. Henry Minsky also has some basic stuff
I have a very good book in nihongo called 'hajimete no i-mode Java
programming' by katou, yamada, and itou, published by 'nikkei Java review'.
Java Press monthly also has frequent imode dev articles. maybe you can find
old stuff online. The japanese in both resources is quite simple and you
should try to work through it if possible, as most of what you learn will be
useful when reading other Japanese programming related text.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carol Meehan" <carol_tokyo@yahoo.com>
To: <keitai-l@appelsiini.net>
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 1:40 AM
Subject: (keitai-l) Hajimemashite!
> Greetings all!
> I am a new kid in Tokyo, just out of university and
> trying to get a foothold in iAppli as well as
> Japanese. Which is no mean feat as they appear to be
> inherently (impossibly:?) intertwined.
> I have found the DoCoMo's I-mode java content
> developers guide API and functional specs but as yet
> have not found any definitive book on the subject in
> terms of client/server application system design &
> development - most paths lead back to MIDP.
> I've scanned through the keitai-l & yahoo/iMode_group
> mailing lists archives and know there are a few
> O-sense/Yoda characters out there. So would somebody
> like to offer some suggested reading material? I've
> read that some mailing list members will be publishing
> books themselves soon which will be immensely helpful
> to people like me. Any reading recommendations in the
> interim would be greatly appreciated. Gambattemas!
> Thanks in advance,
> Carol:)
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Received on Thu Jan 17 03:24:47 2002