A rigged demo (browser fully configured with all plug-ins,
scripting features and other miscellaneous crap) is
indistinguishable from magic and hard for management to resist.
My gauge would have been: Does it look anything like the imode
version? No? Why not? ...followed quickly by "You're fired."
(or "You are Fred", whichever you prefer).
tex@austintx.net wrote:
> Wow. A Flash 5 site with lots of spinners and droppers, little space
> noise rollovers and a dance loop intro. I thought real corporations all
> got over that sort of thing a while back, but maybe not. And how about
> aiming a website at an online market where better than 80% of the
> viewers are chained to the internet via sub-56k/sec dial-ups, then
> trying to cram 750K of homepage down their throats in the first bite.
> Smart.
> Al wrote:
> >
> > Check out Docomo's new English web site. Seems like they're finally making
> > a major effort to introduce i-mode and docomo's technology to the world.
> > They have an excellent video on the site called 2010 Vision. Lots of
> > examples of what we can expect to see. Almost believable given that it's
> > coming from docomo. Interesting ending to the movie as well.. it ends with
> > a wedding, Japanese girl marrying a foreigner in France. Of course, grandma
> > couldn't be there, but she's "virtually" there with docomo technology.
> >
> > http://www.nttdocomo.com
> >
> > The site also has a pdf "i-mode service guideline" which, interestingly
> > enough starts out "this is not the technology that is used on i-mode in
> > Japan"
> >
> > Enjoy..
> >
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Received on Fri Nov 9 01:50:51 2001