i-MIMIC is great at reducing development cost - some nasty DoCoMo bills at
X-9 where the initial incentive for building it - and it is useful for
showcasing i-mode content outside Japan.
The FAQ in question addresses whether application testing on i-MIMIC alone
is enough, which it isn't so I hope to include a list of companies that
offer real world testing in Japan so send me URLs if this sounds like you.
Apart from i-MIMIC Web usage - actually quite heavy for a beta product - the
architecture has purposely being designed to so we have no record of the
actual URLs people look at.
-----Original Message-----
The Giga guys offer this, but not in english (or german).
Some people work with students or friends, but this is a
double bladed sword, since friends are too biassed for good
Other people test quite a lot with i-mimic, so you know
pretty much what people develop, right? ;)
[ Did you check the archives? http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Fri Jul 13 09:45:08 2001