> > Besides the often-plugged NooperLabs, are there any other
> > companies offering i-mode testing?
> The Giga guys offer this, but not in english (or german).
Yes, there's a kind of iAppli testing coordination going on with
Giga. Or at least out of the JavaHz group.
You can read about it at (yes, my own shameless plug coming,
(You'll have to search on "signup" -- sorry, I haven't gotten
this page properly indexed yet.)
In brief, where Nooper is the one-stop shop for all your i-mode
needs, JavaHz seems to be doing iAppli only, and in a more
distributed fashion.
> Some people work with students or friends, but this is a
> double bladed sword, since friends are too biassed for good
> feedback.
You know people with TWO?! Even friends who have only
one can sometimes have one too many. (I am, perhaps, a
case in point.)
Oh, you mean "biased"....sorry....cancel that.
-michael turner
[ Did you check the archives? http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Fri Jul 13 13:07:57 2001