Hi Marc,
As you can imagine multimedia on the various ketai services is a very hot
area, and there are many things in preparation - we are working with some
of them.
At the moment there is no streaming video on imode (only animated gifs,
if you can call this multi-media). DoCoMo is testing mobile multimedia
through various services such as mstage, 3G video phones etc., and as
you can imagine J-Phone, H and KDDI/AU are not sleeping either.
If your interest is serious, not just casual, let us know.
I agree with what one of the others on the list said: that Japan is years
in advance of Europe and US in this area right now.
Gerhard Fasol
> From: Marc Bolick
> I read about a streaming video service DoCoMo will be/has introduced in its
> FOMA trial. Can anyone point me to some english tech specs on this?
> In general, what's happening with "multimedia" in over keitais? Our company
> is planning MM here in Europe, but as you know things are much slower.
> Interested if anyone can point me to a good reference where I can learn
> about any multimedia services/apps in Japan..
[ Did you check the archives? http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Tue Jul 10 05:37:50 2001