[ Moderators note: I have killed the Tony Chan's i-mode success... ]
[ thread unless people have something constructive (such as this ]
[ mail) to say. - Mika ]
Given the recent eruptions around Tony Chan and his
"quoting" of our "Jerry", I'd like to forestall any possibility
of KEITAI-L's Annual Jump-A-Journalist Week going into
overtime, especially on some far less deserving target.
Those of you who are subscribed to J@pan Inc's Wireless Watch
will note that its most recent "Viewpoint" article seems
suspiciously like something I contributed to the list not long ago.
Please note that Daniel Scuka contacted me about using this
material, suggesting that I "clean it up a little" and submit it
as a letter to the editor.
I responded saying that I felt a thorough cleaning of my submission
would leave little more than my quotes from Ray Tsuchiyama's
ACCJ article.
Daniel Scuka ended up doing a good job on it himself, I believe.
His story even has, like, real facts in it and stuff, way too
ambitious a goal for me, at this point. (Or ever, probably.)
And, of course, he quotes and credits Ray Tsuchiyama quite
appropriately. This is something I neglected to do in my first
post on this topic many months back. And I can't say I had
any excuse at the time -- it just felt too much like working
or something to start up a web search, or to reach to the
top shelf where I have my ACCJ Journal back issues.
OK, with that out of the way: can I go back to be Natasha now?
[ Did you check the archives? http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Mon May 14 06:49:19 2001