(keitai-l) Handset deals (was: Difficulties...)

From: Victor Pikula <victor_at_pikula.com>
Date: 05/10/01
Message-ID: <001f01c0d96e$613272e0$b9c933d5@ensch1.ov.nl.home.com>
Michael Schmaltz wrote:
> Here is one article with the site revenue.
 > http://www.forbes.com/global/2001/0514/040.html

What struck me was the following part:

"Unlike rivals, DoCoMo hasn't struck any global purchasing deals with
handset makers, such as Nokia or Ericsson. As a result of this and because
its phones pack in features that have not proven popular elsewhere, its
handset costs are double those of European carriers. "

How can this be true? DoCoMo does have special development relationships
with Japanese manufacturers (and Nokia, Ericsson btw). What about the
purchasing power DoCoMo has? Keitai's selling for 20.000 Yen on launch day,
I do not believe that while in Japan "handheld subsidies are larger, costs
are double, features are double", DoCoMo is willing to pay the full price
for them. (Maybe the problem lies in the fact that NEC is not considered to
be a global manufacturer by Forbes?!)

Also, the discussion on reported difficulties of making it to the official
i-mode menu is very interesting. The most interesting part, is indeed, how
European carriers have used/abused their unique position in this regard. On
what grounds did KPN select for example Zed to be included in its billing
system (SMS based)**. I do expect the rules to be any clearer here on the
old continent, nor in the US.

Victor P.

** background info: Zed's Dutch services can only be used by subscribers to
KPN and Libertel (Vodafone). So subs to Ben, Telfort, or Dutchtone are left
out.  Surely Zed wants to be able to provide service to *all* Dutch users. I
presume that access to a provider's SMS billing system is crucial for Zed.

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Thu May 10 19:17:34 2001