(keitai-l) Re: difficulties of becoming an official i-mode site

From: Michael Schmaltz <mcschmaltz_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 05/10/01
Message-ID: <20010510142412.66761.qmail@web10605.mail.yahoo.com>
Here is one article with the site revenue.


Cheers, Michael

>The 9% commission they charge doesn't even cover
DoCoMo's costs to collect
>fees for the official sites

>Jani Patokallio wrote:
>Whoah, can you back up this claim?

Hrm, I did read somewhere that DoCoMo's commission
just about covers the
administration of the micro billing platform, and
doesn't really leave any
profit. It's the data traffic that's the cash cow. But
I don't remember
where I read it. Have to go back and check...



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Received on Thu May 10 17:15:02 2001