> I notice that there is no compression being performed on the class
> libraries when you use
> the J2ME SDK .
It depends what you mean by compression. The SDK does do some
compression because it puts the classes into a compressed Jar file.
What the SDK doesn't do much of is optimization...
> What are people using to compress their Java classes?
> I am using JOpt, which is
> pretty good.
I tried out Jopt. It looks good. I gave it a Jar file made by the SDK
and it reduced the size by 10-20%. However, I tried to run the
application on the phone and it didn't work anymore. Jopt did output a
few warnings. I'm guessing that Jopt isn't compatible with Jar files
produced by the SDK. Did you manage to use Jopt in conjunction with the
[ Did you check the archives? http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Wed Mar 28 05:18:47 2001