(keitai-l) Re: Lets Get a Japanese Language Magazine Translated

From: Andrew Shuttleworth <aps_at_writemail.com>
Date: 02/20/01
That's a very interesting suggestion and really making use of what the
internet is all about. I would be willing to contribute something to a
fund. I'd say the best approach would be if someone with a contact at one
of the major publishers (say Softbank or Nikkei) could approach them with
the suggestion of translating articles if we can guarantee a certain
amount a revenue for them. Perhaps a subscription based online publication
would suffice - printing and mailing seem like unnecessary evils. If we
can hit an enterprise minded person we may be in luck. Nikkei do publish
magazines in English so they may be a good start.

Anyone got any contacts at Nikkei or Softbank?

MobileMediaJapan (a rep of whom I presume is reading) are starting a
premium newsletter service http://www.mobilemediajapan.com/premium/, but
they'll never be able to match the volume of content of the big Japanese
publishers. They might be able to strike a deal to get some content from
them if both parties could benefit from the deal.

I guess it would also be an interesting venture idea for someone at Link
Media/J@pan Inc.


P.S. As a disclaimer I do work in the localization industry, but my
interest in the mobile industry is the reason for my enthusiasm.

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Tue Feb 20 11:09:03 2001