Andrea Hoffmann wrote:
> And what did DocoMo to the original cHTML specs -- they extended
> them with their own tags already, like the picture symbols, the
> access keys and the tel tag (see: Are there other special HTML tags
> or attributes for i-mode?
> And most of us are happy about it because the extensions actually
> make a lot of sense.
Right. But 12 million people uses the same tags, the same
standard and they can access ALL the same pages.
These are perfect conditions right now, you have to
create your pages only one time...and Handset Users
can NOT update their browser on their own, so you have
to wait at least a full lifecycle (around 9 months in Japan)
until you can use new features and can be sure 'all' users
can see it again. In the meantime you have to create more
interfaces for various browsers/handsets.
As a developer I wait for the times that people agree first
on standards and then use them all the same in their products...
but I must be naive still to wait for Mozilla :)
> Most of the time, you don't have to use the features if you don't
> want to... Use them at your own risk :)
Yupp, you are so right!
Received on Tue Sep 26 17:35:55 2000