> Anybody knows if other microbrowsers uses also a lot new
> proprietary tags?
From the Access/NetFront website:
"NetFront for Linux/GTK is a free demonstration/evaluation
version of Access' Internet browser ported to Netfront 2.5
for Linux / X Window System / GTK and specifically designed
for Linux-based embedded applications.
It is the first Linux version of NetFront 2.5, the most
popular embedded browsers in Japan. The full version supports
HTML 3.2, portion of HTML 4.0, frames, cookies, JavaScript,
JV-Lite 1.3.1 (plug-in), and SSL 2.0/3.0."
Download and Readme URL:
Andrea Hoffmann -- Editor-in-Chief -- hoffmann@westcyber.com
Japan Mobile Information ---- http://anima.editthispage.com
Received on Tue Sep 26 17:38:44 2000