(keitai-l) Re: WWWJDIC Server has light-weight interfaces for mobile phones

From: Andrew Shuttleworth <ashuttleworth_at_sdlintl.com>
Date: 07/12/00
Message-ID: <NEBBIGMBJFLDDMMNNLILKEKFEGAA.ashuttleworth@sdlintl.com>
Ren wrote:
> 8 million people in Japan have cell phones that read html just fine.

I didn't realise you can visit any old html page with i-mode - I thought
it had to be specially done to meet the cHTML spec. What happens if you
visit a html page that doesn't meet DoCoMo's chtml spec - you just get an

If someone tries the dictionary pages, will you let us know if they are
viewable with i-mode.


Received on Wed Jul 12 05:36:26 2000