(keitai-l) Re: cHTML proprietary?

From: Mika Tuupola <tuupola_at_appelsiini.net>
Date: 07/08/00
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.4.05.10007082225590.26766-100000@aurinko.taivas.com>
On Sun, 9 Jul 2000, Andrea Hoffmann wrote:

> I think in that sense it's meant when people say chtml is 
> proprietary (although they mean i-mode and not the markup 
> language itself). 

	Well IMO if they mean i-mode is proprietary they should say
	"i-mode is proprietary"  and not "chtml is proprietary". These 	
	are two quite different things. Confusing IT terms is a
	bad habit :)

	To continue on this. I-mode is registered trademark of
	NTT DoCoMo so they control using that name. Still I don't believe
	they can't restrict other carriers to open services which carry
	chtml pages to mobile handsets. Atleast if they are not called

> Is the  network/gateway structure of i-mode open and usable by 
> everybody?

	I can allready access (unofficial) i-mode pages with any
	handset with gsm data and (c)html capable browser. I don't
	see anything special in that.

	What is special is their i-mode intranet / official i-mode 
	sites and I believe NTT DoCoMo has pretty good control over
	them. However I dont see any restrictions why another carrier
	or any other company could not launch a similar servicer but 
	just with some other name than i-mode.
Mika Tuupola                      http://www.appelsiini.net/~tuupola/
Received on Sat Jul 8 22:56:17 2000