Hi Marcus and all,
WAP`s card/deck concept is where multiple pages (think of a page as a card)
can be sent in one transmission (think of a transmission as sending a deck
of cards). The main purpose of card/deck concept is to eliminate long delay
between pages that are commonly linked or related. All the related pages
(cards) are packaged into one deck and sent to the user at the time of the
first request.
For example, when request weather info of a city, normally the page you see
next include options to select dates. Rather than having the phone make
another request to the server when the user requests, say, Monday, the site
designer/programer may design such that Monday/Tuesday/.. weather info (each
a card by itself) are sent along with the main weather page. This way.. when
the user requests the main weather page, all the info is already sent and
stored on the phone. When the user selects, say, Monday, the Monday weather
info page is called locally. Therefore, the user will receive the info right
Hope the explaination is clear enough. If not, you can also check Phone.com
site. They have a good overview.
Also.. there were other mails about DoCoMo`s "Intranet". Basically, an iMode
phone can access ANY cHTML sites by typing the URL. However, most mobile
users find it really troublesome typing in URLs; so they rely on DoCoMo`s
official directory listing to find sites. This is where DoCoMo puts
restrictions on who can be on it and how their sites are structured.
>From: "Marcus Jensen" <marcus@jensen.net>
>Reply-To: keitai-l@appelsiini.net
>To: <keitai-l@appelsiini.net>
>Subject: (keitai-l) WAP's card/deck
>Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 15:50:45 +0900
>Punnamas wrote
> >>However, WAP on CDMAOne can do most of what iMode can do now
> >>and has always
> >>been faster than iMode`s 9.6kpbs and technically, you can
> >>take advantage of
> >>WAP`s card/deck concept.
>What is the WAP card/deck concept?
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