(keitai-l) Re: WAP's card/deck

From: Andrea Hoffmann <ah_at_anima.de>
Date: 06/22/00
Message-ID: <3951CBE5.8FEC470A@anima.de>

> Marcus Jensen wrote:
> > What is the WAP card/deck concept?
> a really good start to understand this list is to read the specs
> of the several 'standards'. Here is the best english speaking
> resource so far for these kind of questions:

> http://anima.editthispage.com/resources/

thanks a lot Juergen, I feel very honored :-)

to answer the original question briefly ASAIK: 

one wap deck consists of one or more cards and if you come 
from html, you can compare a deck somehow to a html page 
and a card to an anchor (#) on that page, which you can 
use to set links inside one html page.

so, if you enter a wap url, one whole deck gets downloaded 
to your browser but only the first card inside that deck 
(or the one card defined by the URL) is shown to you. then 
you basically go from card to card (which is faster because 
the whole deck is already in your cache) until you click 
on an URL which points to another deck and so on.


first deck: index.html

first card: index.hdml#welcome
second card: index.hdml#menu

second deck: restaurants.hdml
first card: restaurants.hdml#Areas
second card: restaurants.hdml#Shibuya

and so on...

Andrea Anima Hoffmann  ***  Mobile phone: 090-7406-5370
Japanese Mobile Community http://anima.editthispage.com
E-Mail: ah@anima.de  & shortmail: hoffmann@docomo.ne.jp
Received on Thu Jun 22 11:13:09 2000