(keitai-l) Re: eMobile is out of phase?

From: Nik Edmiidz <edmiidz_at_gmail.com>
Date: 07/10/08
Message-ID: <59b953550807092041h38e8bea4rcebd9b2f93223583@mail.gmail.com>
Emobile is good.. I have the s11ht, and much prefer it to the Emonster
from Willcom I had before... Even though it's the same WindowsMobile
6, it's much better....  However as it's not that wide-spread, there
are some sites/services not available for it.  I blogged on Mixi a bit
http://edmiidz.com/nik/?m=200806 (sorry in Jpnz)

Internet sharing with the device is easy too, instead of blue-tooth or
using this WindowsMobile router software, I connect my laptop with a
USB cable and charge my phone while it acts as a modem....
Received on Thu Jul 10 06:41:25 2008