(keitai-l) Mobile website development in Japan

From: Kapil Sharma <kapil.sharma_at_iap-online.com>
Date: 02/08/08
Message-ID: <LPEPLFMPBPFODCACGAODAEDDCLAA.kapil.sharma@iap-online.com>
Dear All,
I need a kind of suggestion from all the people. Please give me the idea.

I have a database driven PC website. The same website we need to change for
mobile handset clients.

I know that the standard for mobile website development have 2 alternatives
here in japan 
1)xHTML (softbank and AU KDDI) 
2)cHTML (DoCoMo).  

or may be WAP .

I just want to know that, Do i need to develop the websites differently for
different phones. How can i check if it will work perfectly.

I heard that google search engine is automatically translating and
converting websites to the mobile handsets by identifying the kind of

Taking into the article as an account 
"ASP.NET Mobile 2.0 to work with the majority of Japanese mobile phones in
the market"


MobileShift AutoConverter 

Is this the best alternative. Or What is your idea. Please suggest.

Thanks and Regards,
Kapil Sharma

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