I've been using a Softbank (Vodafone) SIM for non-Japanese mobile
testing as there settings are easy to find (*99#, softbank,
ai@softbank) and they have a relatively cheap ¥0.02 packet plan.
Docomo has recently introduced unlimited high-speed data plans for PC
access which should also work as above and I wondering if anyone has
tried this with a non-Japanese mobile?
On Feb 6, 2008, at 23:28, Andrew Shuttleworth wrote:
> You could use either of the devices mentioned with SIM cards from
> DoCoMo or
> Softbank (but not AU, Willcom or E-Mobile).
> Getting voice services is easy - just plug in the SIM card and the
> device
> will configure itself.
> Data is more difficult though. Neither of the carriers officially
> support
> flat rate (or maybe even non-flat rate?) data plans for devices
> other than
> the ones they sell themselves. Power users usually go with a
> Softbank SIM
> and look up the data settings somewhere online (you can try asking at
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/windowsmobileinjapan).
> I know at least one person who is using data on a TyTyn II with a
> DoCoMo SIM
> but it's not flat rate data. In theory flat rate data may be
> unoffiicially
> possible on a SIM free device, but I don't know anyone doing it.
> All in all it's quite frustraing :-(
> HTC this month has taken of the B1 floor of the Softbank shop in
> Shibuya
> with a lot of demo units so you may be able to get advice there:
> http://www.htc-fan.jp/modules/news/article.php?storyid=68 I'm
> talking with
> them about possibly doing an information event in English one
> evening (very
> tentatively the 20th). I'll post here if this gets fixed.
> Andrew
> www.windowsmobileinjapan.com
Received on Thu Feb 7 05:31:41 2008