Have you had a look at www.mippin.com? I'm not sure how it handles Japanese
characters but it makes any website with a RSS feed mobile friendly, and
it's free. This means you can use whatever blogging software you want and
mippin does the rest. It also helps get you a wider distribution too.
Hope this helps
Helen Keegan | Mobile Media & Marketing strategy & implementation
m: +44 794 053 8802 | skype: technokitten
web: http://www.beepmarketing.com | blog: http://www.technokitten.com
-----Original Message-----
From: keitai-l-bounce@appelsiini.net [mailto:keitai-l-bounce@appelsiini.net]
On Behalf Of Andrew Shuttleworth
Sent: 31 January 2008 10:27
To: keitai-l@appelsiini.net
Subject: (keitai-l) Re: Blogging software for Japanese Keitai viewing
Typepad claims to automatically make blogs suitable for viewing on keitai,
including commenting features. Not sure whether this is unique to their
Japanese service or not. (If interested try accessing
http://hq.andreshuttleworth.com which is made using typepad.com).
As an aside, I think once the iPhone appears in Japan (this summer on
DoCoMo?) it will mark a turning point from existing mobile browsing to
fuller web browsing. From what I'm hearing the hardware side (larger
screens, touch screens) are getting cheaper. All we need now is the market
to realize that the experience is so much better on larger screens and show
the demand by buying iPhones in big numbers. I don't buy the argument that
most people won't want the larger phones. Let's see :-)
On Jan 31, 2008 4:03 PM, Tracey Northcott <tracey@enfour.com> wrote:
> Interesting question from a friend.
> He wants to update his blogging CMS software to one that will enable
> his content to be viewed on Japanese keitais. His blog is mainly used
> as a work tool to keep his clients up to date with his business -
> Education. So the blog is not very heavy on graphics etc.
> This is something I should know as a Keitai girl and a mo-blogger but
> I have never really wanted my blog to be viewed on keitai.
> This is tricky due to the wonderful and challenging differences in
> browsers here. I am guessing that he is only interested in
> compatibility with mass market keitais and not the esoteric ones. But
> certainly the most important thing is ease of use.
> Any suggestions on a suitable package? Am not sure what packages have
> modules for keitai viewing.
> Cheers,
> Tracey
> http://tangotown.jp
> P.s. Am still plugging away with TangoTown. This is now bigger and
> better than ever. Added 50 languages to a multilingual engine with
> multimedia functionality. More cool stuff coming.
> "Have you had your daily Tango today?"
> This mail was sent to address andrew.shuttleworth@gmail.com Need
> archives? How to unsubscribe? http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/
This mail was sent to address helen@beepmarketing.com Need archives? How to
unsubscribe? http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/
Received on Thu Jan 31 18:29:32 2008