(keitai-l) Re: deliver of Olympics related information

From: Curt Sampson <cjs_at_starling-software.com>
Date: 11/23/07
Message-ID: <20071123075423.GE23691@stoic.cynic.net>
On 2007-11-22 10:25 +0800 (Thu), Robert Ness wrote:

> I would like the ask the Keitai-L community which delivery format you
> would prefer--java app or WAP?

You definitely want to be delivering content in the most basic form
possible, to get the broadest coverage. If you also want to have a more
sophisticated version of your site, I'd recommend doing a Flash version
before doing a Java version; it's cheaper and you'll get better coverage
and compatability. My company sells tools to help out with this sort of
thing; contact me off-list if you're interested.

One of the application ideas we had for our toolkit would fit very well
into this situation, actually. For conferences or whatever with lots
of individual events, my thought was to set up a web page where you
could log in, browse the schedules, and chose your preferences from the
different events available at any one time. We'd then generate a Flash
page that contained an internal list of the events you'd piked. You'd
set this as your standby screen, and it would take advantage of access
to the phone's clock to show you the current time, current event, and a
short list of upcoming events. As time passed, the old events would go
away and the new ones would appear.

I don't know off-hand on what percentage of phones in China this would
work, but it would work on pretty much any modern phone in Japan.

Curt Sampson       <cjs@starling-software.com>        +81 90 7737 2974   
Starling Software     <office-admin@starling-software.com>
Mobile sites and software consulting: http://www.starling-software.com
Received on Fri Nov 23 09:54:28 2007