Hello Claus,
Thank you for your help in this. Thats weird, because I just checked
the server and it's saying both the jam and jar file are in the same
folder as the hello.html file. I cannot open either HelloWorld.jam nor
I'm guessing it's a server setting problem. Which will be difficult to
change because the server I'm renting is not dedicated to me. At least
I think so.
On 27/09/2007, Claus Höfele <claus.hoefele@gmail.com> wrote:
> If I enter http://www.lplus-systems.com/hello/HelloWorld.jam in
> Firefox, I get a File Not Found error. The way you refer to your JAM
> file in hello.html, you'll have to place HelloWorld.jam into the same
> folder as hello.html (along with the JAR file, depending on the
> PackageURL entry in the JAM file).
> -Claus
> --
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