(keitai-l) Re: Roaming Abroad

From: Arnold P. Siboro <asiboro_at_maltech.jp>
Date: 07/19/07
Message-Id: <20070719100057.C56A.ASIBORO@maltech.jp>
Pada Wed, 18 Jul 2007 08:13:18 +0800
si Wong Jeat Shyan <jswong@talariax.com> bilang:

> Hi! This is somehow related to the roaming thread:
> - Does japanese operator use SIM for the subscription now?  If yes, 
> which operator?

DoCoMo, Softbank and au yes, but older phones are still SIM-less.

> - Does japan has GSM or UMTS 2100?  My understanding is they use a 
> different CDMA band.  Which operator offer GSM/UMTS 2100?

W-CDMA networks are completely compatible (though some older FOMA base
stations may not work with non-Motorola phones). cdma2000 networks use
different frequency, so they are not compatible with foreign handsets.

> - Can the UMTS2100 send/receive SMS across operators in Japan?

I guess yes, never tried though. It can send/receive to operators abroad,
but not very reliable (sometimes SMS do not arrive).

Arnold P. Siboro (asiboro@maltech.jp)

"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." 
                    -  Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943  
Received on Thu Jul 19 04:05:17 2007