As it is just a correctly sized webkit browser with a nice iPhone
skin, I'm not sure it is offering a true iPhone experience:
1. Uses screen CSS with no option to pull in handheld CSS (http://
2. Missing the smug feeling of being one of the lucky few with an
On Jun 22, 2007, at 13:29, Nick May wrote:
> This looks useful...
> Mac only, I think...
> <snip>
> iPhoney is not an iPhone simulator but instead is designed for web
> developers who want to create 320 by 480 (or 480 by 320) websites for
> use with iPhone. It gives you a canvas on which to test the visual
> quality of your designs.
> </snip>
> Nick
> Japanese Maps, English Labels.
> Find Japanese addresses in English.
Received on Fri Jun 22 07:46:29 2007