(keitai-l) mobile email to website database

From: Robert Ness <robertness_at_gmail.com>
Date: 04/10/07
Message-ID: <c7ee698a0704100229o11ab39e2je84f3d974e4748cb@mail.gmail.com>
We are building a site where we want users to send in pictures from
their camera phones by email and then transfer to our database.  Does
anyone know of any open source applications that handle this type of
process?  Thank you.
Robert Osazuwa Ness
mobile:  +86.15951775747
Blog:  www.thechinaventure.com
Podcast:  China Businesscast www.danwei.org/danwei_fm
Skype: robert_ness
Skype in: +1.717.798.8559
MSN: robert_ness@hotmail.com
Mail:  Hopkings Nanjing Center,
Nanjing University, 126 Shanghai Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, PRC, 210093
Received on Tue Apr 10 12:29:04 2007