Oh - one of the best ones is this - most people don't know that when
they use WAP services they are also getting charged against their voice
minutes!! So - you actually get double-dinged when you use packet
services in the US. Another reason why US packet services suck. Though ,
they are getting much better. And the package deals can't be beat. We
just purchased 4 handsets (LG, Moto, Sanyo top of the line) on a "family
plan" for less than $100 total!! You have to carry the contract for a
couple years -- but , big deal, as a mobile company this is one of the
most cost effective ways to get a nice 'test set' and every 6mo or so,
you'll need to upgrade anyways.
Curt Sampson wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Apr 2007, Tim Smith wrote:
>> Bear in mind, wireless costs in the US (per minute) are still far
>> lower than ANYTHING in Japan.
> For voice calls, yes. But compare the cost of SMS in the US vs. keitai
> e-mail in Japan.
>> CRM costs - so what do you want? Prompt service when you call an
>> operator (averages maybe once or twice a year), or rock bottom calling
>> prices?
> How about carriers that don't outright lie about their rates, such as
> the issue with Verizon quoting 0.02 cents per megabyte and then charging
> 2 cents per megabyte (a hundred times as much), and not having spend
> hours over a half dozen or more phone calls to get the charge reversed.
> As I said, go to consumerist.com and check out the stories. I'm not
> talking about holding times here, I'm talking about customer service
> reps using deception and outright lies to trick people into paying for
> things they don't want.
> cjs
Received on Tue Apr 10 08:27:36 2007