(keitai-l) keitai payment systems [again...]

From: dTb (DocTeeBoh) <dtbforshare_at_gmail.com>
Date: 02/05/07
Message-ID: <bee790790702042342qc1b4d10oc66f8859de625e6d@mail.gmail.com>

My (little) company wants to sell some keitai content (java games and
keitai website access). I am searching an overview about keitai
payment systems.
I browsed the archives, but all topics about this subject seems to be outdated.

I was happy to find this link :
>> http://www.keitai-dev.net/wiki?PaymentSystems
But this keitai dev wiki seems to be close.

I understood that there is official and unofficial content, and to be
approved as official content is very dificult and need to wait a lot
of time.

It would be very appreciated if someone can send fresh links about
this (official content payment system, and third party companies).

Received on Mon Feb 5 09:42:10 2007