I hold no candles for Symbian - but my lord - if Microsoft is the
answer, it is a pretty f***ed up question....
Microsoft and I go back to the DRDOS fiasco days - so if you are one
of those people who decry Microsoft haters - well pardon my French
and all - but screw you - I have good reason to loath, despise and
mistrust Microsoft which I would be happy to outline for you in
glorious technicolour quadrophonic stereo sound, smellothonic 3D
detail - but alas, keitai-l is not the place for it....
Symbian isn't the immediate problem - softbank - or possibly vodafone
- is the problem.
Case in point - putting isync on my shiny new N73 being "temporarily
chotto muzu-***ing-kashii" - I decide to sync the 702NK with the
705NK using the built in bluetooth sync data function....
So - the 73NK sends the 702NK a small sis to install to allow the
sync to take place. Everything should be fine and dandy, one would
But hell no - the sis file (a Nokia sis file, from a Nokia app, sent
to a Nokia phone), has not been ******* well ******* signed - so it
won't ******** well ******* instal on the 702NK...
So one fires up ******** (sorry - * is ****ing habit forming)
Fexplorer and grabs the .sis from the mail folders, throws it to the
E drive, pulls the card, unsises it - then manually installs it to
the **oody E drive...
Where it does not ******** work.
So - FExplorer again - to install it to the C drive....
Where it finally works - and one can sync the two phones....
But .... why? Why all this fuss? One is almost tempted to buy
Richard Stallman a cup of tea. The future CANNOT be like this.
But the future isn't Microsoft. The solution to disorganised, inept,
incompetence isn't organised, svelte totalitarianism, a la Microsoft....
Softbank is rotten - but not rotten because they are bad - just
rotten because they are clueless - and desperate - and don't care....
And don't know.
But the above problem is - ultimately - a Voda sourced problem - a
British company - shame on them!
Nick (****ing) May
Kyushu Fixers
Facilitation Support in Fukuoka, Kyushu and South West Japan
On 26 Jan 2007, at 22:12, Greg Conquest (home) wrote:
> So, based on the uncertainty about being able to run unsigned Symbian
> apps on the Symbian phones from SoftBank . . .
> and the discussions here in June 2006 "(keitai-l) How to demo Symbian
> and MIDP in Tokyo?" 'A smart man has worked hard to not let us install
> what we want' . . .
> and seemingly reasonable views predicting an end to freeware and small
> apps, the whole community, due to licensing restrictions for
> "SignedSymbian":
> http://snipurl.com/SymbianSignedDRM
> . . .
> leaves me seeing Symbian is rotten on both ends. Even if we can get
> around the particular locks on SoftBank phones for now, the long term
> viability of the platform in general is in great doubt. The present
> hotbed of community programming will be "Signed by Symbian" right
> out of
> existence. "S60 9.1 v.3" will be Symbian's epitaph except as a cute,
> shadow of what it once was.
> If I want a user-configurable phone/pda for Japan, with a community of
> small developers and open projects, Windows Mobile is currently the
> only
> choice. Right? Please tell me I'm wrong here if I'm overlooking
> something . . . OpenMoko PDA soon? The real new Palm OS finally?
> Everybody is tired on the platform changes and is just going to
> JAVA . .
> . Anything?
> Greg Conquest
> Ref:
> http://snipurl.com/SymbianSignedDRM
> http://www.allaboutsymbian.com/features/item/
> Hands_off_our_smartphones.php
> This mail was sent to address nick@kyushu.com
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Received on Fri Jan 26 16:36:11 2007