(keitai-l) Re: Opera Mini 3 is out

From: Claus Hoefele <claus.hoefele_at_gmail.com>
Date: 12/04/06
Message-ID: <9f8ab7ef0612041324we945d7dmb9aa9659a1c91729@mail.gmail.com>
> Not all is that good though. I recently bought a new N73 only to find
> out it does not have the latest version of  browser.

Same problem here. On the N73, the S60 browser reloads a page every
time I use the back functionality. This not only costs time and money,
but also renders the browser useless for Bloglines. When I read a
story in one of my feeds and return to the Bloglines selection screen,
the S60 browser reloads the page and all my new stories are gone :-(

Anyway, now that Opera Mini has proper HTTPS support, there's zero
reason for me to use any other browser. I just wish Symbian had a way
to set Mini as the default browser.


On 12/4/06, Mika Tuupola <tuupola@appelsiini.net> wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2006, at 3:26, Kyle Barrow wrote:
> > If your mobile can handle it, Opera Mini 3.0 is out:
> > http://www.operamini.com/
> Which reminds me. The new Series 60 browse (1)r is absolutely fabulous.
> We recently wrote an web application which included clickable map,
> uploadable photos and some ajax stuff. Converting it to S60 browser
> was a breeze. We just needed to redesign some parts of userinterface
> to be more small screen friendly. All JavaScript stuff worked as it
> was. I even ran jQuery's (2) unittests against S60 browser and it
> only failed 4 of 226 tests.
> Not all is that good though. I recently bought a new N73 only to find
> out it does not have the latest version of  browser. Only N95 has the
> latest version. Even though software is supposed to be updateable
> there is no new version available anywhere. Nokia fails to answer
> mails regarding the matter.
> 1) http://www.s60.com/business/productinfo/
> applicationsandtechnologies/webrowser
> 2) http://jquery.com/
> --
> Mika Tuupola
> http://www.appelsiini.net/~tuupola/
> This mail was sent to address claus.hoefele@gmail.com
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Received on Mon Dec 4 23:25:04 2006