Hi Nevan
If you go to the Japanese carrier's web pages (e.g. kddi's ezfactory or
docomo's i-mode sites via Google), it's possible to find technical
information about phones including screen size and supported image formats,
so you can resize on-the-fly or provide the appropriate content based on the
browser's user agent.
On 11/9/06, Tom Motoyoshi Kalland <tmk@infeline.org> wrote:
> Hi Nevan,
> Most phones are in the 320x240, 400x,240, 640x480 range now. At least
> the default browser on some AU phones post their screen size in the
> http request (HTTP_X_UP_DEVCAP_SCREENPIXELS=230,266, etc). Not sure
> about other carriers or even if all AU phones does it now.
Received on Fri Nov 10 10:39:42 2006