I am not saying "only the young population".
And yes, since tuka made a success with no-display simple handset for
silver market, all operators have put an elevated market efforts to
tackle the silver market. This part of the population usually has more
money to spend.
But still the early adopters and trend setters are young population.
On Thu, 27 Jul 2006 10:31:07 +0900
Gerhard Fasol <fasol@eurotechnology.com> wrote:
> On 2006/07/27, at 9:41, Arnold P. Siboro wrote:
> > more are to come. Nevertheless the biggest market for cellulars in
> > Japan
> > is I believe in the young population, and they do not seem to be
> > interested in technical terms like WiFi, Bluetooth, Sync, IrDa, blah
> > blah, so unless operators find an interesting use of these that
> > appeals to
> > young population, we will still be in "dark ages" here.
> Japan has about 100 million cell phone subscriptions and a population
> of 125 million.
> Therefore the market for cell phones is the whole population - not
> only the young population.
> Maybe you have seen that all operators have phone for the "silver
> market",
> and that market is also big.
> Gerhard
Arnold P. Siboro (asiboro@maltech.jp)
The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of my employer,
not necessarily mine, and probably not necessary.
Received on Thu Jul 27 06:09:45 2006