S60, UIQ etc are said to be the user interface for Symbian OS.
How this fits into your definition?
BREW is said to sit between application and the software in ASIC, i.e.,
between application and the hardware. S60 has Symbian as its OS, what is
the OS upon which BREW sits then? Is it in the ASIC?
On Tue, 25 Jul 2006 10:42:01 +0300
"Andreas Constantinou" <andreas@visionmobile.com> wrote:
> Nick,
> You can think of the following as good-enough approximations:
> BREW is similar to Trolltech Qtopia, S60, MOAP (plus UI), China MobileSoft
> stack (now part of ALP), Pollex stack, and GTK+ with GStreamer
> Symbian OS is similar to Montavista Linux, Wind River OS
> OS = manages filesystem, memory, I/O hardware, process/task scheduling,
> events management, communications (GSM/CDMA/3G)
> Middleware = multimedia framework, PIM engines, messaging engines, Java VM
> UI = widget libraries, windows management, Flash/SVG engine
> Microsoft, ALP, A la Mobile, Purple Labs, Maemo = OS + Middleware + UI
> Andreas
Arnold P. Siboro (asiboro@maltech.jp)
"A lie can travel half-way around the world while truth puts on its shoes."
-- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
Received on Tue Jul 25 11:55:41 2006