(keitai-l) Re: How to demo Symbian and MIDP in Tokyo?

From: Nick May <nick_at_kyushu.com>
Date: 06/09/06
Message-Id: <87E63BBA-8059-489A-B02A-28D608836EEA@kyushu.com>
(I dealt with Joe's request offlist, but as he points out, I promised  
details ages ago...)

Vodafone Japan's Nokia 6030 and 6680 rebadges - the 702NK and 702NKII  
-  have been knobbled so that it is not possible to install unsigned  
Symbian apps directly from .sis files.

This appears to prevent a range of apps from running - but in fact  
almost everything CAN be installed if you do it manually. It is  
fairly trivial to do so for most apps.

[Standard NOTE: if you make a pig's ear of this, you may hose your  
phone. Backup important files first, etc etc...]

How manually to install on a 702NK from a .sis file

1) Unpack the .sis file into its component parts
On Windows I use HALWIN, on a Mac, MacUnsisPy. Both are freeware.

Do a search if the links below fail to resolve.

HalWin => http://www.teamknox.com/Hal/Halj.html
[The page is on JP, scroll down for the link to the executable,  
which, as I recollect, has an English menu option]

MacUnsisPy =>  http://mac702nk.sourceforge.jp/wiki/index.php? 
[The page is on JP, See link at top of page - the app has no menu bar  
so language is not a problem.]

2) You will end up with a series of files in directories. Pop your  
RSMMC card into a card reader and mount it on your computer desktop.  
Carefully copy across the files you have unsised to the relevant  
directories on the card. Make new directories on the card if required.


Case is not important

Do NOT just drag the top directory in a nested directory set onto the  
card without checking first - you may end up "replacing" a directory  
nest on the card that contains files from other apps. However, as  
long as you check carefully first, dragging nested sets is fine.

That's it. Unmount card, replace in phone. Wait a moment and check  
the app appears in the menu.

If it does not, try rebooting the phone.

Some things,  need to live on Drive C (internal memory) not drive E  
(the card).

In such cases, use FExplorer (free) http://www.gosymbian.com/ 
fexplorer_new.php  to copy them across.

I have found a few things that seem to need this, (E.g Pocket  
Counter: http://www.allaboutsymbian.com/features/item/ 

A very few things don't seem to work using this method, but they are  
few and far between.

Knowing something is possible is 90% of the battle to make it work.  
Here is a short list of what is on my phone currently.

GnuBox = > browse internet using fixed connection over bluetooth
Pocket Counter => Stopwatch thingie...
Alarm Manager => alarm manager (payware)
OggPlay => MP3/Ogg/AAC player
iSync => Mac Sync of addresses and contacts
Alon MP3 => record to MP3, dictaphone.  (payware)
Salling Clicker => Control Mac over Bluetooth  (payware)
VRadio => Internet radio - works fine with GnuBox (payware)
FExplorer => File browser/manipulation utility.

Hope this helps.

Received on Fri Jun 9 03:33:42 2006