On May 8, 2006, at 13:48 , Kyle Barrow wrote:
> Although Opera can switch into keitai mode, a lot of mobile sites
> still do
> not detect the user agent as a valid mobile browser. Gerhard may
> have the
> stats, but it seems many mobile sites only focus on the big three.
Actually we are going through this with at least three clients (all
major big
you'll be surprised, but some large corporations don't even go for the
"big three" - some only go for the "big one", or the "big two".
Remember, the "big two" cover about 80% of the market in Japan,
since Vodafone has much lower ARPU then DoCoMo and AU,
and lower mobile internet coverage (Vodafone focused to some
extent on developing low price prepay users...)
Its really a business decision and a question of diminishing returns.
Developing for Vodafone costs a lot of money and resources - in some
cases more than for DoCoMo and the returns are much smaller, and
the same is true for WIllcom
Received on Mon May 8 09:42:37 2006