Hi keitai-lovers.
Congrats to all of you for an accelerated open mobile future.
Having swallowed Vodafone, Masayoshi Son will go
after NTT and NTTDoCoMo next. Soon you will enjoy
open ports and All-over-IP at fair prices very soon.
We try to fight for this in Europe, too.
My blog post on the Softbank-Vodafone-Japan-Deal:
Regards from Berlin,
Jan Michael Hess
CEO: www.mobileeconomy.de
Blog: http://blog.mobiliser.org
OpenBC: www.openbc.com/hp/JanMichael_Hess/
Skype: mobiliser
Mobile: +4917621208417
Email: jan@mobileeconomy.de
Received on Sat Mar 18 12:46:32 2006