I’m wondering if anyone out there has experience of “cache busting”
on ketai’s (Docomo, EZweb, Vodafone) ?
Currently I’m trying to monitor page hits / changes in content when a
back button, then forward button is pressed to view a previously viewed
page. Most phones I’m testing with seem to cache the page in memory,
despite me using the following “recommended” cache busting strategies
1) Place a randomized number in the header
2) Place a randomized number in the URL
3) Multiple variations of Pragma and no cache meta http-equiv tags
such as meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" Content="no-cache”,
http-equiv="Cache-Control" Content="must-revalidate", meta
http-equiv="Pragma" Content="no-cache”, http-equiv="Expires"
Making repeated visits to the same page simply performs a view on the
cached page in the phone browsers memory.
Has anybody had any experience of this kind of cache busting with
mobiles ? I basically want to eradicate any views of pages that are
resident within the phones browsers memory. I can achieve a result on a
PC browser, using the above techniques; the page viewed from back /
forward presses is never cached and always refreshes, but on a ketai
….sheesh no such luck.
Any assistance would be much appreciated, though if you know it to be
impossible, please let me know.
www.monku.jp <http://www.monku.jp/>
Received on Mon Mar 13 08:58:23 2006