(keitai-l) Re: Vodafone KK

From: Gerhard Fasol <fasol_at_eurotechnology.com>
Date: 03/09/06
Message-Id: <EE21EDB4-84B8-41BD-A2C4-43F91DB6B276@eurotechnology.com>
It's not just the handsets and features,
it's also many other factors - but Softbank
and many other industry insiders in Japan
(including us) know very well what these
factors are.


On Mar 9, 2006, at 09:52 , Arnold P. Siboro wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2006 22:26:57 -0800
> P.A.N. <mobilizer@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 3/5/06, Arnold P. Siboro <asiboro@maltech.jp> wrote:
>>> Now if only Softbank can prepare us some great stuffs in time for
>>> November's number portability lauching...
>> Don't you think that the number portability will actually play  
>> well for
>> Vodafone-Softbank? Look, Softbank has several millions of VoIP  
>> customers,
>> right? How many of those are also customers of DoCoMo and KDDI? A  
>> couple of
>> millions at least. Next, Vodafone-Softbank introduces Wi-Fi/ 
>> cellular dual
>> mode handsets and pursues its VoIP customer base to switch from other
>> cellular carriers' service to its own now fixed-mobile IP service.  
>> How
>> viable this can be?
> I do think it's a great chance for Vodafone/Softbank, but it needs to
> have something great for switchers, since recent market research shows
> that many more customers in DoCoMo and Vadafone are thinking of
> switching than in au (http://www.interscope.co.jp/release/ 
> 060223.html).
> So if nothing changes in terms of service/features/handset with  
> Vodafone
> till November this year, we can expect many Vodafone customers to  
> switch
> to au or DoCoMo when number portability starts.
> Arnold P. Siboro (asiboro@maltech.jp)
Received on Thu Mar 9 04:18:09 2006