(keitai-l) Re: Vodafone KK

From: Don Kratzer <kratzer_at_datadub.com>
Date: 03/07/06
Message-ID: <C0331213.9B00%kratzer@datadub.com>
The only re-branding move they could pull off in time would be to return to
J-Phone, which was a strong brand when vodafone killed it off. (along with
the customer base). That or maybe use the Yahoo brand...

// d

On 3/6/06 7:31 PM, "Nik Frengle" <nfrengle@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ah Gerhard,
> I had guessed that you would be one of the first to comment on this. The
> truth is, that a year ago when you made the comment it missed the mark. It
> was, and is, much less about Softbank wanting to buy, which has been the
> case for some time, as Vodafone wanting to sell. A year ago when you made
> the comment, a clear decision had been made to not sell. So, it was denied,
> properly, because it was not being considered. In the last three months it
> has been clear to insiders who cared to open their eyes (not a terribly high
> percentage) that a sale would take place. Thus my occupancy of a new bit of
> real estate ;-)
> I am going to be interested to see whether Softbank chooses to keep the
> Vodafone brand. Re-branding at this point, when mobile number portabilitly
> is only seven months off, could pose some major risks. At the same time, if
> you believe the press (which in this case I don't), the foreign branding was
> part of Vodafone K.K.'s problem. So what do they call Yahoo!, or as it is
> called in Japan, Yafoo!? Just looking at that, and the worldwide reach of
> the Vodafone brand, which Softbank have show that they value, I would be
> surprised to see a change in brand, even though ownership may change.
> Similarly, Japanese labor practises make it difficult to do mass firings, so
> you will have a lot of the same people running things. That is as big a risk
> as rebranding.
> We live in interesting times.
> -Nik Frengle
> On 3/6/06, Gerhard Fasol <fasol@eurotechnology.com> wrote:
>> Maybe this interests some people on the list:
>> it looks very likely that Vodafone will sell practically all of
>> its Japan operations to Softbank -
>> see:
>> http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000101&sid=aWZqM02z5LAg
>> I predicted this in an interview with Bloomberg about one year ago -
>> at that time it was denied, but it seems to be happening now:
>> http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?
>> pid=email_us&refer=uk&sid=aO1q4H95o.KA
>> Gerhard
>> This mail was sent to address nfrengle@gmail.com
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Received on Tue Mar 7 03:33:47 2006