(keitai-l) Re: Docomo announces NM850iG (Nokia 6630) far too late

From: P.A.N. <mobilizer_at_gmail.com>
Date: 02/15/06
Message-ID: <79c5ccf20602151042k16a241f3w36a3ed37e3705cae@mail.gmail.com>
Yes, agree. Recently there were many moves by foreign handset makers hoping
to penetrate the Japanese market, especially aiming at DoCoMo (HTC,
Motorola)...I even took the labour writing about the recent events on my
blog -- Japan's Cellphone Edge -- to sort things out:

On 2/14/06, Kyle Barrow <Kyle.Barrow@unep.or.jp> wrote:
> Docomo is so late on this one:
> http://www.nttdocomo.com/presscenter/pressreleases/press/
> pressrelease.html?param%5Bno%5D=612
> Kyle
Received on Wed Feb 15 20:42:41 2006