(keitai-l) GeoVector Launches World's First Pointing Application on KDDI

From: Scott Judson <scott_at_geovector.com>
Date: 01/30/06
Message-Id: <20060130090806.7FE20172504@mail.egotaivas.com>
Last Thursday we launched our first pointing application on the KDDI network
(W21S only)


The application uses the Keitai's GPS & Compass to allow the user to point
in any direction and search for over 700,000 buildings, retailers,

restaurants, banks, historical sites to instantly retrieve information.


More information in the press section of http://www.geovector.com


Details on how to download here (Japanese)



I welcome comments from people who have tried it out.


Scott Judson 
Concept Development 
GeoVector Corporation 
Received on Mon Jan 30 11:08:09 2006