(keitai-l) Re: ClassFormatError

From: Neale Rudd <neale_at_metawerx.net>
Date: 01/19/06
Message-ID: <002201c61caf$73211400$2a01b40a@headoffice.cvmail.net>
Hi Serge,

Not sure if this will help or not, but I often see this issue if the VM is
an older version of Java that doesn't have the features of the version
you compiled with.   Try compiling with JDK1.2 and see if that helps.
I assume the verifier should pick up issues like this however, so not
sure how useful this might be.

Best Regards,
Neale Rudd

On 1/19/06, Serge Besnard <serge.besnard@laposte.net> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have made an i-appli for DOJA 1.5oe which works fine on the NTT
> emulator. When I download it on a LG342i, the program exits after trying
> to open a simple class extending Object, with ClassFormatError.
> Before crashing, the JVM has had time to create the IApplication, create
> and display a JPanel, so I am baffled. I do not use obfuscation.
> I compile with the command line, with the following commands :
> E:\jdk1.3.1_17\bin\javac.exe @args.txt @classes.txt
> with args.txt :
> -g:none
> -bootclasspath 
> E:\JAVA\iDK\lib\doja_classes.zip;E:\JAVA\iDK\lib\classes.zip
> -d E:\JAVA\iDK\apps\KD\classes
> -target 1.1
> -sourcepath E:\JAVA\iDK\apps\KD\src
> and classes file containing my IApplication java file.
> then :
> E:\JAVA\iDK\bin\preverify.exe -cldc -classpath
> E:\JAVA\iDK\lib\classes.zip;E:\JAVA\iDK\lib\doja_classes.zip -d
> E:\JAVA\iDK\apps\KD\preverified E:\JAVA\iDK\apps\KD\classes
> *********************
> Is there a size limit to a class ?
> My java classes belong to different packages, is that a problem ?
> Thanks for your help
> Serge
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Received on Thu Jan 19 06:18:58 2006