Hi Michael,
The European i-mode handsets (ie: all non-Japan i-mode handsets) do not
have QR code readers yet, and there is currently no common barcoding
system available for use by the general mobile consumer outside of Japan
I'm not sure it would work outside Japan yet anyway, as the rest of the
is still quite a way behind in terms of acceptance and use of mobile
That said, when it does become available, it should boost mobile content
offerings and ease-of-use substantially. Fingers crossed.
Best Regards,
Neale Rudd
>> > Are QR codes and QR-code-reading software for mobile handsets in
>> > use at all outside of Japan yet?
>> See http://semacode.org/about/hardware/ for a list of phones outside
>> Japan capable of reading 2D barcodes (not necessarily QR codes).
>> Ryan
Received on Thu Jan 12 06:24:46 2006