Hi Serge,
The "run browser" command simulates a launch mode where an i-appli is
started from a browser link (IApplication.getLaunchType() returns
LAUNCHED_FROM_BROWSER). This mode is somewhat similar to a Java Applet
started from a Web browser. In contrast, the example in my article is
downloaded to the phone and can afterwards started manually from the
LAUNCHED_FROM_BROWSER is available since DoJa version 2.5oe and uses
the ista attribute in the Web site. LAUNCHED_FROM_MENU uses the ijam
attribute. Apart from the ista attribute, LAUNCHED_FROM_BROWSER also
needs some settings in the ADF file. That's described in DoJa 2.5
Content Developer's Guide in the section Application Linking > Browser
Linking > Browser Launching of Java Applications. There's also
something in chapter 5.13 of the DoJa 2.5 Emulator User's Guide.
In other words, if you want to download your DoJa 1.5oe application
with the ijam attribute from a live Web site, you have to use a
handset. Conversely, you can modify your settings to comply with the
LAUNCHED_FROM_BROWSER requirements, but this will only work with the
DoJa 2.5 emulator and devices that support this feature.
On 1/8/06, Serge Besnard <serge.besnard@laposte.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is about a DoJa1.5oe app that I have developed and which works on the
> i-appli emulator from doja-.
> I have installed my jam/jar files on a web page together with the
> download.html.
> When I try to start the app from the emulator with "run browser" command (on
> DoJa 2.5oe emulator or DoJa 4.0), the result is an error :"No requested
> software".
> I have then tried with a sample app from www-128.ibm.com/developerworks to
> see if my ADF file was faulty, but no success either.
> Here is the jam file :
> ****************************************************************
> UseNetwork = http
> AppVer = 0.95
> LastModified = Tue, 03 Jan 2006 12:44:45
> SPsize = 90000
> AppClass = UI.KanjiDic
> AppName = KanjiDic
> AppSize = 28921
> ConfigurationVer = CLDC-1.0
> ProfileVer = DoJa-1.5oe
> PackageURL = http://myserver.dom/doja/kd/kd.jar
> ****************************************************************
> And the download.html :
> ****************************************************************
> <HTML>
> <HEAD>
> <TITLE>Download Page</TITLE>
> </HEAD>
> <BODY>
> <OBJECT declare id="application.declaration"
> data="http://myserver.dom/doja/kd/kd.jam" type="application/x-jam">
> Click
> <A ijam="#application.declaration" href="xxx.html">here</A>
> </BODY>
> </HTML>
> ****************************************************************
> I even inserted a .htaccess just in case in the directory:
> ****************************************************************
> AddType application/java-archive .jar
> AddType application/x-jam .jam
> ****************************************************************
> Thanks for your feedback.
> SB
> This mail was sent to address claus.hoefele@gmail.com
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3D graphics for Java mobile devices
Part 1: M3G's immediate mode
Part 2: M3G's retained mode
Received on Sun Jan 8 06:46:01 2006