On Wed, 28 Dec 2005 15:13:13 +0900
"Michael\(tm\) Smith" <smith@xml-doc.org> wrote:
> And sorry, I guess I missed the message where you wrote about
> that. Do you have a write-up about it online somewhere? (I mean,
> about how to install it on a not-officially-supported keitai.)
Sorry, I think I got mixed up, the post was on different list, and was
not about tweak to avoid error. What actually happen when you access http://mini.opera.com
on an unsupported handset was a message saying that your handset is not
supported, and two links to two versions of opera mini, one is low
memory version, and the other for high memory version. If you can
install from these links, I think you'll be able to use opera mini (I
haven't tried with CDMA, only via my PC/bluetooth). My keitai is not
supported, and I could not install from any of the links, so I opened
the .jad file, get the direct link to the .jar file from it, and
downloaded it manually. The downloaded .jar file runs fine on both my
Motorola A1000 and Sony Ericsson V802SE.
> So do you know which providers it does work with on keitai here in
> Japan?
I am not sure what do you mean by not working. Do you mean you already
have opera mini installed and running on your Japanese keitai in Japan,
but it cannot browse web pages?
I don't have flat-fee contract on my Japan keitais so I never tried
browsing regular web sites using opera mini on them. As I said I only
tried with my A1000 via PC over bluetooth.
One thing for sure, AFAIK opera mini is using MIDP in JAR file, so it
runs only on Vodafone handsets in Japan (au is based on MIDP too but
uses .kjx, and DoCoMO except FOMA M1000 is based on DOJA).
Arnold P. Siboro (asiboro@maltech.jp)
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it"
--Alan C. Kay (Apple Fellow).
Received on Thu Dec 29 08:03:27 2005