Someone on this list must have built a web-based RSS reader that you
can view using any keitai browser. hint hint - free the code ;-p
Anyway, if you're looking for Japan specific content, why not use a
combination of existing technologies like Technorati+RSS.
BUT then again, this might only pull in the headline and first few sentences ...
We need more _full_ RSS feeds, and something that'll separate long
content into multiple pages!
If you're into coding PHP, you can use Magpie RSS and mash something
up pretty easily. I'm sure Perl, Python, and any server-side scripting
language has a similar library. If you're not a code junky, then you
can convince somebody on this list to whip something up for a few mugs
of Ebisu :-)
Received on Tue Dec 27 07:55:44 2005