I think the i-menu page is inside DoCoMo's walled garden, so to the
internet the URL really does not exist..
On Thu, 22 Dec 2005 10:22:58 +0900
Gerhard Fasol <fasol@eurotechnology.com> wrote:
> Many i-mode sites block access from non-i-mode
> browsers.
> For example if you try to access the URL of
> DoCoMo's i-Menu page with a PC browser you will
> simply get a message that this URL does not exist.
> Especially paid content sites will make sure that
> only people who have paid the subscription fee
> can access.
> Many non-menu sites provide access to different
> sections of the site for PCs and mobile phones
> (sometimes according to the model of the phone)
> under the same URL.
> Gerhard
> Michael Rollins wrote:
> > Greetings, List.
> >
> > I'm looking for a way to download all of the content for an
> > i-mode site to a local PC. "Offline" web browsers exist to
> > simplify this sort of thing for normal websites, but the ones
> > I've tried can't properly retrieve i-mode site content.
> >
> > Anything out there?
Arnold P. Siboro (asiboro@maltech.jp)
"A tidy desk is a sign of untidy mind"
--The Sputtering R&D Machine
The Innovative Enterprise Aug 2002 - Harvard Business Review
Received on Thu Dec 22 04:03:35 2005